You may have recently read an article that was circulating the Internet, pointing out the reasons why Generation Y-ers are miserable. The equation for happiness was defined as:
Happiness = Reality – Expectations
The “Happiness” the article was referring to was primarily measuring financial success and standard of living, but I believe this accurately applies to our Health goals. Before we can appreciate our financial, relationship, and lifestyle successes, we must first have our health. How often are you frustrated with your healing process and discouraged by falling short of your goals?
The key here, as illustrated by the equation, is to set realistic health goals and expectations.
• Ask your health care practitioner to outline their plan, and be sure that you are both on the same page with your expectations.
A physical therapist may be thrilled that you are able to wash your hair yourself after a shoulder injury, but you may be planning a kayaking trip next month. This miscommunication will lead to failure and frustration toward your therapist and turned inward to yourself. This lack of trust and negative attitude will affect your working relationship and only be a detriment to your healing process.
• Remember how you got to your current state of health.
Was it decades of poor eating habits? Or a sudden impact from an oncoming car? Both are situations that took a great deal of intervention to get you to a state of unbalance. These imbalances are not impossible to overcome, but be prepared for an equal amount of time and intervention to heal.
• How much time/energy are you actually going to devote.
I see so many patients that are enthusiastic about beginning treatment, but quickly lose momentum. Being realistic up front will affect the treatment plan your practitioner will propose, so be perfectly honest. Don’t just say what sounds good: “I want to get off my meds ASAP” “I can afford to see you twice a week, as long as it takes” “I am completely giving up gluten right NOW”. Be honest and realistic so you can create a sustainable program.
•Be an active participant in your care.
Being honest with your health care practitioner allows you to be a more united team. You sought out care because you needed support, so don’t back out now. Your practitioner is experienced in the healing process and will be your strongest cheerleader, but only if you are forthcoming about your goals. Together you can create realistic health goals that fit your lifestyle, resulting in a happy and healthy state of being.